Friday, April 23, 2010

Day Twelve

It has been almost two weeks and I still have a long way to go. The most exciting thing that happened was that after my discovery that I have some sticky drafting film (like clear contac paper) that I can use to stabilize the tiles I've laid out on the parchment paper, I saw that the grid on the sticky backing is at a perfect scale. Parchment paper - sold in the supermarket in the food wraps aisle and also in the baking aisle - is coated with silicone. The sticky paper doesn't adhere to the parchment but it adheres to the tiles, though I have to press on each tile to make sure there is good contact, because the tiles have slight variations in thickness.
Now, while I am waiting for my mosaic mesh and pvc glue to arrive, I can still start planning out the arrangements for each motif in "opus vermiculatum" keeping in mind the art nouveau principles (see Day Eight).
I am trying to remember to plan for the fact that the spacings and the grout colors will add a big dimension to the look of the finished mosaic. Above you can see how a different backing color affects the perception of the tile color. On the left the tile looks much lighter than it does on the right. First look left and stare a second, then move your eyes to the right. I removed all background tiles. I realize I will have to glue the figures first, grout in brown, THEN add the white/light background tiles and grout in white/light gray.
I can't forget to mention I made a video of myself cutting glass. Click on  How To Cut Glass for a Mosaic to see me demonstrate at my website.

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