Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day Seventeen

I am feeling a bit under the weather today - the Greenhouse was a bit on the chilly side yesterday. This morning we have snow - just a light dusting, which brings out really instructive views of the highlights on the foliage in the garden. It is not often that a garden in full spring glory gets snowed upon, although here in the Berkshires it happens more than we really like - freezing is not good for setting fruit! And it wrecks havoc with tender tree blossoms.
Listening to Grisham's The Broker while forging ahead with the motifs was a great way to spend the afternoon, though I should have had the space heater at a higher setting and I should have put on my SmartWool socks earlier.
Now I am headachy and sniffly.
Even so, I will paint the primer today. Milos has been tending the wall with great effort and precision. The surface is as smooth as a baby's bottom now. The heater is on and Milos has found me a good brush from his tool emporium.

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your blog and I am fascinated by your progress. I enjoy beading but I really love reading about other crafty interests EBW members have. I can't wait to see the finshed project.
