Monday, February 24, 2020

Winter Weaving

Blue-faced Leicester, Polworth, Shetland, Jacob, Merino, Persian. If you are in the know, you know these are breeds of sheep that produce wool - wool for, in this case, weaving. When I was younger around age 12/13 yarn and weaving attracted me about as much as boys did. When I was 18, I saw my first weaving studio at Cornell and thought yes, that is what I want to study. But then, once a student, I saw how long the projects took, and I decided: I will not spend my expensive education working on a floor loom into the wee hours of the night. I will weave when I am old and retired. That time is here!

The five blankets were woven using warping patterns from 
A Handweaver's Pattern Book by Marguerite Porter Davison. 
I used John Murphy's No. 10 Texture Weave and, primarily, 
John Watson's Blanket Tweel. 
I created my own weaving patterns after experimenting with the weaves in the book. 
I made the five blankets with two warps, one with a lot of reds and the other with a lot of blues.

Hanging out on the loom

Detail with logo

Five blankets washed, blocked and folded

Granddaughter helps

detail on the loom

Warp #2 just off the loom
