Monday, June 30, 2014

The Moon in the Morning Free Download

If the world were sensible we would have 13 months in the year of 28 days each. Think about it. In that case, we would have to work in an extra day annually plus the leap year discrepancy every fourth year. What better time to do this than smack in the middle of the year. And smack in the middle is the first week in July. To celebrate, the novel is a free download July 2-6.

Here is a passage from the Moon in the Morning:

“Oh, this is probably silly, but it’s just that if we divided the year by thirteen – the number of days I mean - 365 divided by thirteen, the answer is 28 days, remainder one. Like February. Weird.”
“You did that in your head?”
Jean shrugged. “Yeah….”
“It would make knowing how many days are in a month a lot easier.”
“But what about the extra day? And the extra month?”
Bill started to write on a napkin. “If you divide 365 by 13 you get 28 and one thirteenth. That plus the extra day we add in leap years every four years to make up for the fact that it takes the sun 365 and a quarter days to rotate around the sun…”
“It isn’t that hard. If we used a thirteen month calendar, which incidentally would closely follow that moon cycle, but tried to fit it into the solar cycle, we would have thirteen months in the year but we would have to somehow average the extra day every four years for the sun and the extra day every year for the moon.”
Jean’s head started to hurt. Mary looked at Bill, puzzled.
“Hmm, I guess it isn’t that easy, is it?”
“No it is easy. Ve could have an extra day every year, like special holiday on last month, New Year’s Eve, or in middle of summer.”
“Like my birthday.”
“Sure. And den every four years duh holiday could be extra special and be two day celebration.”

Link to The Moon in the Morning at Amazon