Sunday, March 29, 2020

Early Spring Weaving

Spending time indoors still because of cold weather 
and social distancing,
I decided to warp up the loom for one more run.

The warp is vintage Bucilla Wondersheen and a white acrylic

I love my Schacht shuttle.
The warp pattern I used was a combination of two from M.P. Davison: Henriksson's Finnish Bird's eye and Josephine Esters' Maltese Cross plus my own "interruption" to give the design some vibration.

My woofs (fillings) were of a variety of wools, cottons, blends and acrylics including 
Vintage Bernat Fleurette, Dainty Fleurette, and Spinnerin Eldorado, and my own hand spun yarn made with Polworth wool, often plied with Borgs-Mora 20/2 wool and Paternayan Persian yarn.

Exploring the endless possibilities for variation using different colors, yarns, and treadling combinations is always such a joy for me.

 Washed - four pieces - before final steaming and blocking: